We’re all about safety, training, and experience.
Anesthesia is a broad term that covers things like conscious sedation, unconscious sedation, and general anesthesia. The goal of anesthesia in pediatric dentistry is to provide the right balance between comfort and safety. Achieving this balance is not simple. It requires an experienced team that has access to multiple modes of anesthesia. Further, it is critical that patients are properly evaluated to determine how their needs can be met with with the least risk. Little Dreams can perform anesthesia in the office for patients with minimal medical concerns and for shorter cases. Those patients expected to have longer cases or those requiring pre-hospitalization or post-operative medical care will have their treatment performed in the hospital.
The team at Little Dreams does not sedate children for non-clinical reasons such as a parent’s desire to avoid discomfort during minor or routine dental procedures. We will consult with your child’s medical and dental providers to reach a consensus treatment plan. We have even collaborated with other surgical specialist and conducted “back-to-back” cases in the hospital. This is where a child receives surgical and dental treatment during one period of general anesthesia. We do not rush, we do not take unnecessary risks, and we do not cut corners.